Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Red Velvet Cookies

Without further ado...here is the much requested Red Velvet Cookie recipe. I have to confess, this is not my own. This is a yummy recipe by Karin Calloway, with my very slightly modified instructions, originally printed in The Augusta Chronicle. My aunt first introduced me to it, and since then, I have been hooked! It is my favorite go-to cookie recipe, and there is definitely a reason I only make them approximately 2 times a year (Christmas and Valentine's). It's because they are absolutely DELISH, and I want to eat every single one! So, what is your favorite go-to cookie recipe? Please share!

You will need:
1 Box Red Velvet Cake Mix
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
2 Eggs
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Cream Cheese Frosting (homemade or store bought)
Red Sugar Sprinkles

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mix cake mix, oil, eggs, cocoa powder and vanilla with stand or hand mixer until well combined. Roll into 1-inch balls and place on parchment-paper lined baking sheets (I prefer to use a stoneware cookie sheet). Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven and cool on racks.

When cookies are cool, ice each cookie with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle with the red sugar sprinkles. Regrigerate on baking sheets until icing is set, and then store in plastic containers with tight fitting lids.

*You can certainly make homemade cream cheese frosting, and I have done this many times, but in the end I'm partial to the ease and the taste of the store-bought kind.
*Make sure you remove the cookies when they still look slightly undone, or they will overcook.
*It is also very important to keep them in Tupperware containers with a lid on, because they dry out very quickly. 
*For Valentines, I like to make these by pressing into a pan that has heart-shaped spots designed for cookie pops.


  1. Hey Casey, Since you were kind enough to post this recipe on your blog (and btw, I can't wait to try it!, I thought I'd come over and follow you! Heck, I might as well - I always love what you post on Pinterest and I have to support a former creative non-fiction class-mate! So how do I do that? I can't see a "follow me" button. - Bridget

  2. Also, if you post a photo, I'll "Pin this" and get you some readers!
